一念之间345 发表于 2016-5-30 13:39:49


Encanto酒店静静耸立在墨西哥世界闻名的旅游城市Acapulco旁的一处山崖之上,建筑师使用精简的材料和当地劳动力,以最小的代价收获了一个震撼人心的,同时极其贴合人体尺度的建筑。狭窄的走道、仅供两人容身的眺望角落、小巧精致的空间给客人带来了极大的安全感,也与其高高在上的地理位置形成了有趣的反差。The Encanto Hotel was built in Acapulco with few resources, economic materials, and local labor.
The building tries to retain a human scale. Occasionally narrow, even small compared to or in contrast with its great heights; it has corners where only two people fit, intimate spaces that shelter and protect its guests. In this hotel, the potential for amazement is constant. One cannot help but observe each place, there is no room for distraction: common areas, private spaces, all designed for concentration and relaxation.▽ 建筑静静耸立于山崖之上,俯瞰脚底的大海和城市,The Encanto Hotel was built on top of the mountain overlooking the stunning ocean and cityhttp://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-001-960x547.jpg▽ 层次丰富的入口隐藏在丛林之中,the entrance is hidden behind the treeshttp://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-002-960x621.jpg经济条件上的约束和材料上的精简反而催生了出绝妙的建筑空间。化繁为简,去掉所有多余装饰,纯白的墙体相互交错,而在不同体量的交接处,建筑师有意留下了竖向的缝隙,创造出丰富的空间层次。错综复杂的空间仿佛迷宫,但兜兜转转的路径最终都指向了大海。大海、城市和自然也仿佛被纳入了建筑空间体系之中,不规则的开口框出一幅幅或纯粹抽象、或波澜壮阔的如画美景。而阳光透过这些开口投影在地面上,不断变化的光影让人着迷。惊喜似乎隐藏在建筑的每一个角落里,建筑师用最纯粹的建筑语言表达出了最丰富的内容。Encanto is also a great labyrinth whose exits open out onto and are completed by the ocean. Everything was playfully created to generate
 continual momentum from the sea,
to compel those staying there to 
seek and find a way out, arriving at
 it always and capturing it with their
gazes. The intersecting stainless walls and the voids which are left intended generating a layered landscape. The sun shine through the geometric openings, leaving ever-changing light condition on the floor.Architectural works are always better off when economization prevails and the greatest possible content is conveyed with the least amount of material. To say more while using less: nothing could be more environmental or sustainable.▽ 建筑入口,悬挑的雨棚和不同高度的平台创造出丰富的空间层次,entrance hall, canopy, terraces and corridor on different level create a very dynamic and constantly changing spacehttp://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-003-960x521.jpg▽ 穿插的体量行程丰富的层次,前侧的走廊仿佛直通大海,corridor heading to the oceanhttp://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-004-960x709.jpg▽ 阳光穿过屋顶的椭圆形开口,投射在泳池之上,sunlight shine through the elliptical openinghttp://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-005-960x640.jpg▽ 石材、白墙、水体,精简的材料让空间显得愈发宁静,the materials used are restricted in stone, wood and concrete wallhttp://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-010-960x1303.jpg▽ 湛蓝的水体与繁茂的植物则纯净的空间添加一抹活力,the clear blue waters and the abundant plants bringing vitality to the spacehttp://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-006-960x1438.jpghttp://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-007-960x642.jpg▽ 室内空间同样素净,穿插的体量和不规则的门窗开口丰富了空间形态,the intersecting volume and openings in irregular shape enrich the spacehttp://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-008-960x1438.jpg▽ 周边的环境被纳入了建筑空间体系之中,不规则的开口框出一幅幅或纯粹抽象、或波澜壮阔的如画美景
the openings frame the surrounding as a series of painting, either spectacular or abstracthttp://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-009.jpghttp://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-011-472x472.jpg   http://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-012-472x472.jpg▽ 走廊的尽端一侧是眺望大海的休息厅,lounge located at the end of the corridor with view to the oceanhttp://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-013-960x720.jpg▽ 另一侧则眺望繁华的城市,the other side of the corridor overlooking the cityhttp://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-014-960x720.jpg▽ 夜晚,灯光照射在白墙上为空间增添了一抹迷幻,the colorful lighting creates a sense of mysterioushttp://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-015-472x629.jpg   http://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-016-650x835.jpgMore words from the architect:The physical side is measurable, while the subjective element takes charge of the spiritual, intangible side. Both have the same relevance and must be successfully harmonized. An architect who attends only to the emotional side makes his work into a kind of sculpture, something more akin to an artistic venture. It is very tempting for architects to feel as if we were artists, but we are in fact a hybrid that must be well grounded, that must take into account the specific needs of those who will inhabit the spaces we create. And by this I am referring to their spiritual, physical, and economic needs. Without these values, architecture is too easily diminished.Efficient use of materials, availing oneself of all the resources that belong to a construction; this is a quantifiable, objective side that we cannot lose sight of, no matter how creative or artistic we want our architecture to be.The subject of entropy or energy loss is one of the most relevant scientific theories of the past and present centuries. Heisenberg’s principle of uncertainty has a lot to do with this: uncontrolled growth generates chaos and loss of energy. These concepts form part and parcel of all architectural endeavors.The “more from less” concept refers not only to a reduction in the quantity of materials, but also an attitude congruent with the surrounding environment. This is reflected by taking into account various factors, such as orientation to achieve adequate illumination and temperature, or a tree found on site that must be taken into consideration, or the topography of the property, or materials from the zone and local labor. All of which put together can lead to results that achieve energy conservation and evident economic gain.Labor in Mexico continues to be accessible in comparison to that of other countries. Construction processes for the most part continue to have a handcrafted feel when compared to those of more industrialized nations. In Mexico, masonry persists as a longstanding profession.All cultural processes are linked to economics, and architecture is no exception. Much of the work I do is headed in that direction. Concepts such as walls, craftsmanship, and manufacture are
 very much akin to my work.While modern architecture has achieved the ability to design increasingly complex, resistant, and lasting structures, it has also disassociated itself almost entirely from nature, given that the builders of great urban centers have privileged artificial heritage over the natural environment.In response, today many professionals in architecture and construction have focused their attention on construction materials and systems that are traditional locally. Depending on the site, they seek out architectural solutions that, in addition to being efficient and functional, take their surroundings into account.It has been my intention to build boxes of light, inhabitable spaces where daily life can become more amenable. This has nothing to do with added value, but rather with efficiency. Elegance is born out of sensitivity to one’s surroundings, that is to say, an architecture that is integrated with its environment. Visual or even existential disorder, the chaos that we so often suffer, is born out of disintegration. The possibility of generating solutions in keeping with what is there and what surrounds you makes your architecture work, because it comprises a part of the whole. I believe that architects should always be mindful of the environment.Miguel ángel Aragonés▽ 平面图,planhttp://static.gooood.hk/2016/05/The-Encanto-Hotel-Acapulco-Mexico-by-Miguel-Angel-Aragon%C3%A9s-017-960x448.jpg

善存 发表于 2016-5-30 15:51:29


Mr丶Apple 发表于 2016-5-30 16:46:27


该隐 发表于 2016-5-31 08:34:39


angelone 发表于 2016-5-31 09:01:43


zhoutx 发表于 2016-5-31 16:24:08


释内我 发表于 2016-5-31 23:41:48


zhangjy8000 发表于 2016-6-1 14:59:45

谢谢分享 !!!

q185204174 发表于 2017-5-8 16:48:07


夜上秋名山 发表于 2017-5-9 09:00:13

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